
NameRilo'sae Seronti (Ri'se)
GenderMale (he/him)
ServerPhantom (Chaos)
NameWingedFlame (Wingu)
GenderNon-binary (she/they)

A wanderer never starts a journey...

  • Previous member of the Order of the Twin Adder

  • DPS Multiclasser - BRD/DRG/MNK/SAM

  • Friend to the Warrior of Light

  • The cat who stole the milk, and made you pay to get it back

...and an adventurer never finishes one.


BeginningsAs the fourth and final son in his family, Rilo'sae was often left to his own devices whilst growing up, but that was how he liked it. Allowed to roam the Twelveswood alone under the guiding light of the moon, he quickly learned how to use the oftentimes treacherous undergrowths to his advantage. If anyone did want to try and find him, they'd have to hack their way through the protective overgrowth to pull out an unscathed kit from within. He was outgoing and charming enough to be the center of any conversation, but high enough walls meant it easy to slip away at any opportunity.GridaniaFollowing in his elder brothers' footsteps, Ri'se joined under the White Wolves with the knowledge that his siblings would try and bring him up to the Red Otters in years to come, but despite appearing to be a good candidate for this eventual promotion it was the furthest thing from his mind. All of his connections built up from the few years of work eventually paid off; except instead of his promotion, it lead to his dismissal. Still on good terms with a few members of the guild however, they do often return to lend a helping hand from time to time.TravellingNo longer bound by duty to protect the Twelveswood, Ri'se travelled further south through Mor Dohna and Thanalan to reside in Ul'dah for a spell, picking up more skills to add to his battle repertoire along the way. His first time setting foot into Limsa Lominsa was a bit of a shock, with more adventurers than he'd ever seen before in one place, and this was where he just so happened to bump into Pyxis for the first time.

PyxisThe Warrior of Light had humble beginnings, and just like every other fledgling adventurers they need companions to delve into the more dangerous quests that they willingly undertake. Admittedly just evesdropping on requests for aid at first, once Ri'sae saw the healer in action he knew they were going to be someone special. What he didn't realise was how special the Au Ra was going to become.AlexandriteThough a year younger than the Tank, due to their race's different expectancies their sibling rivarly relationship has Ri'se playing the older brother role. They tease each other in their own ways, and sometimes will almost come to blows when their views may differ, but he knows that when worst comes to worst they have each others back.ValerieEven the dampest of rainforrests require the warmth of the sun to grow, and this ray of light manages to break through even the toughest of exteriors. Ever one to bat off his dry sarcasm with a smile and a gentle laugh, like an oasis in a vast desert. Valerie is the one who manage to break past his defences and see what lies underneath.Light PartyNot everything requires the helping hand of the Scions, and even with Pyxis out on adventures far across Eorzea they are always ready to lend a helping hand before retuning to the shadows. Ri'se prefers to push someone else to the spotlight to recieve praise and acclaim, and it more than happy to remain nameless in the grand histories of the land.